Thursday, 3 December 2009

Modern Warfare 2: quick update

After playing the game since launch I can now say I'm not as impressed with it as I was. There is way to much lag, the hit detection is off key, match making is unbalanced and its a total campers and snipers fest. Also the dread cheating lag switchers are still rampant on it.

The single campaign is to short althought I did enjoy throwing the knife in Shepherds face at the end haha. Also the No Russian mission is great and doesn't deserve all the contrevesy crap its been getting.

If you can pick up the game for around the £30 mark then I say its worh a punt but there is no way the game is worth the £55 RRP price tag.
I'm hoping Infinity Ward will pull their fingers out and release a patch for the above issues. Ideally MW2 should be given dedicated servers instead of relying on P2P on all formats. Activision w\ant to start charging people to play it the greedy b*******. However if the game was given dedicated servers and the price was right I'd consider it although in my opinion online gaming should be free.

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